Criticise Us

When you’re trying to change the world, even for the better, you’re going to upset a lot of people. The very fact that Oxygen Conservation exists acknowledges the reality that the way people have owned, managed, and used land needs to change. Land ownership, and its current and future use, is a hugely polarising topic.

Our approach is to be as open as possible to these views. We want to hear your views, your challenges, and your criticism, even if we think it’s unfair and if sometimes it hurts. But please remember that we’re all people too. We also love to hear your positivity, enthusiasm, and praise, who doesn’t? But we recognise that we learn the most from the challenges and criticism, and sometimes we will change our minds and our approach as a result of that feedback.

Here are some of the ways you should criticise us and how we would respond to those challenges.

  • "Conservation is forcing people from the land"

  • "Conservation is forcing farming from the land and people need to eat"

  • "This is just rich people buying land"

  • "What do you know about living, working or farming here"

  • “If you stop us fox hunting on your land, you’re destroying our culture”

  • "How is travelling across the country purchasing land sustainable"

  • "I bet you fly everywhere don’t you?"

  • "You’re just after the subsidies aren’t you"

  • "What about ELMS?"

  • "You’re going to let a load of wolves out aren’t you and they’re going to kill all the sheep"

  • “You’re taking away my right to shoot grouse”

  • “It’s outrageous we can’t burn the moor anymore!”

  • “"Your Team isn’t diverse enough – you’re all men”

  • "But you’re not doing what the locals want you to do”

  • “You’re not spending enough time in the local community”

  • "You call yourself a green company and you don’t like hydropower”

We want to hear your challenges and your criticism

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